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Potential Flat 35 Loan Fraud — Another Low Blow For Japan's Real Estate Industry

发布时间:2019年06月04日| 作者:| 来源:ACFE官网| 点击数: |字体:    |    默认    |   

A government-backed loan, designed to help more people afford family homes, has been abused to acquire investment properties in Japan. Investigations are still underway to understand the scope of the scandal and if banks knowingly issued the fraudulent loans.

Potential fraud being investigated by Japanese government

Earlier this month, the The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan announced an investigation into the potential fraudulent use of Flat 35 loans. A Flat 35 loan, which is securitized by the Japan Housing Finance Agency (JHF), a government affiliate, is a widely distributed mortgage type to help more people afford homes by offering a low-interest fixed rate over a 35-year term. The loan's conditions are favourable over the commercial loans available on the market and its only purpose is for acquiring properties as a home. Keiichi Ishii, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, announced at a May 7, 2019 press conference that borrowers who are found to have abused Flat 35 loans would be required to repay the loan in a lump sum. He further urged the JHF to investigate with its partner banks and come up with preventative measures.

Aruhi Corporation found to have been issuing fraudulent loans

In a May 15 update on the situation, The Nikkei newspaper reported that investigations so far resulted in uncovering about 100 fraudulent transactions. They have all been found to be issued by Aruhi Corporation, the market leader in Flat 35 loans. The company released a statement after a May 7 press conference expressing that it is has not engaged in any illegal activity regarding Flat 35. However, Aruhi also added that it is supporting the JHF in its investigation to confirm whether they might have unintentionally approved loans for borrowers that intended to use them for investment purposes — which led to a significant drop of their stocks listed on The Nikkei, by about a quarter of its value. The company further announced it will tighten the screening process to prevent future fraud.
After the result of the investigation, Aruhi released another statement saying that the amount of illegal loans so far makes up only 0.1% of their total turnover of tens of thousands of transactions — thereby likely trying to reject accusations that the loans were knowingly given out . While the investigation will continue, so far more than 680,000 Flat 35 loans were issued, making it a difficult task to check on every property to ensure it is owner-occupied.

JHF further added in the update that it is legal for a homeowner to rent out their residence if they were transferred to another city or country by their employer.

Again, fraud revolves around loans

This is not the first loans-centred real estate scandal in recent years either. The real estate market in Tokyo has been heating up since the early 2010s and only recently leveled off. However, interest from both domestic and international investors in unwavering. In 2018, the Suruga Bank scandalinvolved overvaluing properties — and consequently loans issued. Shortly after, similar cases at other financial institutions came to light.

What is a Flat 35 loan?

Flat 35 loans are government-backed mortgages with low, fixed interest rates for up to 35 years. In Japan, conventional mortgages typically offer only fixed interest rates for 10 years, after which they become variable. In April 2019, the rate for a Flat 35 loan was between 1.290% and 1.960%. Flat 35 further allows financing of up to 100%, but usually a 90% financing plan is granted, compared to 80% for most commercial loans available on the Japanese market.

Foreigners are eligible

Not only Japanese nationals, but also foreigners are eligible for Flat 35 loans. While the loan is backed by the government-affiliated JHF, it is still issued by partnering financial institutions, so conditions and approval will vary slightly depending on the issuing bank. As the Flat 35 is a government instrument designed several years ago to assist more people to afford their own home, the screening process is less stringent as one might expect for up to 100% financing, but the same paperwork and somewhat lengthy process as for other loan applications is required.

By Mareike Dornhege







本月早些时候,日本国土交通省(MLIT)宣布对可能欺诈性使用Flat 35贷款进行调查。由政府子公司日本住房金融局(JHF)证券化的Flat 35贷款是一种广泛分布的抵押贷款类型,通过提供35年期间的低利率固定利率来帮助更多人买得起房屋。贷款的条件优于市场上可获得的商业贷款,其唯一目的是收购房产。土地,基础设施,运输和旅游部部长石井庆一  在2019年5月7日的新闻发布会上宣布被发现滥用Flat 35贷款的借款人将被要求一次性偿还贷款。他进一步敦促建华与合作银行进行调查,并提出预防措施。

Aruhi Corporation发现一直在发行欺诈性贷款

在5月15日的情况更新中,日经新闻报道,迄今为止的调查结果显示,发现了大约100起欺诈交易。所有这些都是由Aruhi公司发行的,Flat 35贷款的市场领导者。该公司在5月7日的新闻发布会上发表声明,表示它没有参与有关Flat 35的任何非法活动。但是,Aruhi还补充说,它正在支持JHF的调查,以确认他们是否可能无意中批准了打算将其用于投资目的的借款人 - 导致其在日经指数上市的股票大幅减少约四分之一的价值。该公司进一步宣布将收紧筛选程序,以防止未来的欺诈行为。
在调查结果之后,Aruhi发布了另一份声明,称迄今为止非法贷款的数量仅占其数万笔交易总交易额的0.1% - 因此可能试图拒绝指控贷款是故意发放的。虽然调查将继续进行,但到目前为止已发放超过680,000套Flat 35贷款,因此检查每件物业以确保其为业主自用是一项艰巨的任务。



这也不是近年来第一起以贷款为中心的房地产丑闻。自2010年初以来,东京的房地产市场一直在升温,最近才稳定下来。然而,国内和国际投资者的兴趣坚定不移。2018年,骏河银行丑闻涉及高估房产 - 以及随后发放的贷款。不久之后,其他金融机构的类似案件也曝光了。

什么是Flat 35贷款?

Flat 35贷款是政府支持的抵押贷款,具有低至35年的低固定利率。在日本,传统抵押贷款通常只提供10年的固定利率,之后它们变得可变。在2019年4月,Flat 35贷款的利率介于1.290%和1.960%之间。35号楼进一步允许融资高达100%,但通常可以获得90%的融资计划,而日本市场上大多数商业贷款的融资额为80%。


不仅日本国民,外国人也有资格获得Flat 35贷款。虽然贷款由政府附属的建华基金支持,但它仍然由合作金融机构发行,因此条件和批准会因开证行而略有不同。由于Flat 35是几年前设计的政府工具,旨在帮助更多人购买自己的房屋,因此筛选过程不那么严格,因为人们可能期望高达100%的融资,但同样的文书工作和一些冗长的过程与其他人一样。贷款申请是必需的。

作者:Mareike Dornhege
